If you will remember, back in January, Mrs. Witherwax discovered that we needed a new couch (personally, I don't know what took her so long; I have been looking at them for simply ages).
After months of searching, she thought she'd found just the thing and just last week it arrived in the mail.
Hitty Dauphine and Alice pushed and pulled to get it into the right place.
Then Hitty Dauphine plumped the seat cushion while Alice brought the pillows.
All three of them fussed and arranged until everything was just right.
But once everything was in place, it was clear that the new sofa was just too small...
...well, it was too small for the larger Hittys living in Weathertop, there was someone who thought it was just his size.
That's how Lilly ended up getting a new sofa.
She, by far, has the prettiest furniture in the Weathertop neighborhood.
AND, that is how Mrs. Witherwax found herself going back to the old drawing board.
If you are interested in my source for this sofa, please email me privately...I am a bit too ashamed of how much I spent on it to include a link here. :) I will warn Hittygirls that my Hittys cannot sit on it. The seat is too short and too shallow and the girls slide right off the seat. However, it would make a delectible addition to a regular 1:12 sized dollhouse, if you are in the market. It is truly a work of art and I may have to try to replicate it in a larger size...this time in my workshop for free.