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Monday, October 24, 2011


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Holly Kerfoot

We've missed Weathertop, too, and can empathize on the economic issues! Welcome back.

Holly and the Garden Spot Hittys


I'm SO glad to see the Weathertop lassies at their antics again, I've missed them! Your dresses are so cute,they "rule the roost"!
(that was terrible, but your dresses are fabulous,LOL)
Big smiles...Kimberly


I've missed you all! I'm so glad you're back! The dresses and hens are adorable! Can't wait to see your flannel frocks and future vignettes--yay!


Adorable!!! what more is there to say?!! I find your little frocks have a 'personality' to them. How on Earth do you do that?

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