It has been awhile since I last wrote.
In that time, I've attended many basketball games, including the last of Judy's high school career, Mr. MacGyver had neck/spine surgery to remove disks and fuse vertebrae in his neck, which led to many trips to and from the school for me dropping off and picking up kids, and long waits while Punch attended track practice. We've heard back from all of our colleges and are now awaiting information on financial aid. Judy won an athlete-scholar award for her league and another award for a photo she submitted to a juried art exhibit. During this time, Judy also traveled to Northern Ireland and back with a group from her school.
It seems like quite a lot for such a short period of time.
In an effort to get you up to speed, I have selected some key photos.

Of the 12 colleges to which Judy applied, she was accepted at 9:
Providence College
University of Hartford
University of Rhode Island
Wells College
Wheaton College (Boston)
Arcadia University
Quinnipiac University
Mills College
Mount Holyoke College
Right now, the top picks are Mills, Mount Holyoke, Quinnipiac and Wheaton, but she is still undecided. We are very proud of her achievements.
Hopefully, we'll have a more definitive update on that soon.