When you travel to the same location every year, and visit the same sites, you tend to get the same photographs over and over.
Like these iconic streetlights in Chinatown for instance.

I don't know how many shots I have taken of these.
This year is no different, but one can hope that perhaps one has captured a different edge or facet of the same old things, something as yet unseen or at least seen with new eyes from a new perspective.

I don't know if that is true for me, but I sure made every attempt to capture something new in one of my favorite San Francisco icons this trip. I will let you guess what it is...

When I lived in San Francisco, I would do anything to avoid Chinatown during Chinese New Year (coming up at the end of this month, beginning of next).

Now I wish I had braved the crowds to enjoy the spectacle at least a few times. I can only hope I get one more chance....

...because I am sure these lanterns are but a pale comparison to the finery to be seen during this most unique celebration.

The colors, the lights...

One cannot help but see the Golden Gate Bridge while in San Francisco...

Why would anyone WANT to miss it?

But I don't know how many people take pictures of it out of their sun roofs.

These photos do indeed capture the sort of airy excitement of our usual dashes from one place to another.

Oh how I love San Francisco.
If you are interested in catching up with the scuttlebutt in the dollhouse, please visit Adventures at Weathertop.