Of course one of the highlights of our trip was getting to see people we love! I love the Bay Area just for its geography and geology. I love the varieties of food you can find. I love visiting favorite haunts. But really, in life, the things that are most meaningful are the people you encounter along the way and the memories you make with them.
One of the families it was our pleasure to visit while in the Bay Area, was the family of my father's cousin's son. I am not even going to get into what that makes us...suffice it to say, they are cousins to me.
One of the fun things is to note is how much the children have grown and developed over a year.
Here they are, all lined up on the couch, last year.
See how they've grown?
We all dined together at Chevy's. So much fun!
After dinner, they surprised Punch with the traditional Chevy's birthday greeting, which consisted of the Chevy's staff very boisterously descending upon him with a sombrero and a loud birthday song. I only wish I'd been "in the know" because Punch's facial expression was priceless.
Even those who were "in the know" fell into surprised hysterics...alas, this is the only shot I pulled off in my hurried attempt to get my camera out and catch a little bit of the fun on film.
It is so fun to visit and get together. The time is just too short and then it is gone.
Of course it does help to have a little adventure along the way...stay tuned for updates.