This week I have been busy carving a very special Hitty, and though she is only half complete, she has already amassed such a lovely collection of belongings that she is the envy of all the dolls living in Weathertop. This Hitty will eventually be auctioned on ebay to benefit the relief efforts in Haiti, but this is not a solo effort on my part, oh no. I am merely providing the doll for which many, many others are making and sending all kinds of goodies and clothes. I thought you might like to see a sneak peek of what has arrived so far.
Bear, Golly (and pin, not pictured) donated by Margie S.
Dress and pinny donated by Kay D.
Reproduction Hitty quilt donated by Kimberly H.
White Knitted cape with vintage buttons and knitted sock monkey donated by Tree S.
Special Hitty mug made by Sam Dunlap donated by Sue G.
Knitted Hitty shawl with a vintage button closure (and cap, not pictured) donated by Teri P.
Quilted throw (and felt cloak and bonnet, not pictured) donated by Sherry S.
Sweet smelling cedar chest donated by Gale L.
Aren't all of these goodies just delicious?
Just between you and me, I am hoping to receive enough things that I can afford to create TWO auctions! That would be exciting and twice the fun!