I think it pisses God off when you walk by the colour purple in a field and don't notice it.
~The Color Purple 1985
I've got another picture parade for you today featuring...you guessed it...the color purple. I tried to find a nice selection of different shades. It is one of my most favorite colors. Of course, I think every color of the rainbow is divine in its own way.
I will start with Lilacs. One of my favorite flowers (which again isn't saying very much as I have many, but really these are right there at the top of the list). Isn't their scent delicious?
Next are the Columbine, which have so many lovely shades. As you will remember we picked a field of them yesterday and have them gracing several corners of our home.
Now Judy claims to enjoy the scent of Columbine, but I must admit to it not being my favorite. There are so many purple flowers with scents divine...lavender and lilac to name a few...but these columbine certainly are pretty fluttering in the breeze.
Next are these...are they violets, johnny jump ups or violas? I don't know, but these were growing wild which is always fun!
Some petals are ever so much more delicate than others...almost translucent.
Now, these forget-me-nots (again I do not know that this is what these little beauties are but they look kind of like forget-me-nots) are a tad more blue in color, but you can see the tiniest bit of purple there to the right, can't you?
Finally, the last flower in our flower parade was to be found inside...
This was my Mother's Day gift from Punch. It is made out of construction paper cut-outs of Punch's hand. Always a hit!
Moving into the kitchen, I found these lovely examples of purple. I love this teacup. It is my everyday teacup most of the year. I also have pumpkin cups and Christmas cups, but these are my spring cups, courtesy of Starbucks. I am a sucker for tea accoutrement, are you? And it really must be seasonal.
Purple beads in yummy grape sherbet shades.
This little heart was made by Punch when he was in preschool. I have one from Judy as well. Her's is pink. I love these little Valentine's Day missives.
Here is a Butterfly pendant I made a few years ago. I have a couple of these. Each of them have the loveliest shades of purple in them.
I think I will end this parade on a floral note as I absolutely love photographing flowers. I guess you knew that though.
I hope you enjoyed this purple parade. Perhaps we'll look for shades of blue next week...of course these forget-me-nots fit in with the blues as well. Can I resist using them? Or maybe yellow...I know we did golden green, but perhaps we need to do yellow...I have some photos of buttercups somewhere...