In our little town, Memorial Day is a really big deal. We have a parade and everyone comes out to watch. It's everyone's big chance to show off their gardens. Starting at the beginning of May, people up and down my street can be seen working hard to get their yards in shape.
I live in a former public building, which I suspect for years had a lovely flower display out in the roadside planter. This is a bit of a burden for me as I will willingly admit that I am not the most attentive gardener. (I don't even have an outside hose hook-up to water the flowers I plant). I usually like to plant nasturtiums -- they remind me of California -- and put a few hanging baskets on my porch, but this year I started a little bit late and the nasturtiums are still in their seed form, so I went to the garden supply store yesterday and picked up some colorful annuals.
This year I planted geraniums and cosmos in the planter (along with some nasturtium and poppy seeds which have not yet sprouted. My mother ALWAYS had geraniums at our house when I was growing up. I love their earthy smell and they always remind me of Memorial Day at Graceland Cemetary in Racine, WI, the town in which I grew up.
The cosmos really belong to Punch. I must attach this piece of information with a warning...If you want total control over your garden, don't take your kids with you to the garden supply store.
Judy chose dahlias and marigolds. I've never had dahlias before, so this will be kind of an experiment.
This year I chose double impatiens for the hanging baskets. They looked so pretty. In the past I've had geraniums which didn't do very well and fuschia, which were beautiful and kept popping back. Anyway, I didn't the impatiens would get a lot of sun on my porch, but as I was leaving this morning, I noticed that they were in full morning sun. I hope they last.
We had a very busy morning, all four of us scattered to the wind. Judy marched in the parade with her middle school band. She plays the flute. After playing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" 13 times in a row, they were sounding pretty darned good! Punch rode on the Cub Scout float, which won the float contest for the first time in several years, beating out the Girl Scouts. This was a very important victory indeed as you can well imagine. (As I don't want to post pictures of other people's children, I will not be sharing photos of these events.) Mr. MacGyver had to work this morning but will be joining us for a picnic later.
And last but hopefully not least, I ended up selling baked goods for the Cub Scout bake sale like a good little Cub Scout mother. As you can see, it felt more like a work day than ever. My poor feeters are very tired.
It was nice to come home to a refreshing snack.
Raspberry jello, blueberries and whipped cream. Yum! Cold, delicious, simple.
I worked hard to find a red, white and blue snack to photograph...LOL! I tried to make heart shaped jello jigglers for this dish, but they got kind of melty. I am not sure what I did wrong, not being a jello efficienado. However it was still very tasty.
Don't you just love these cobalt blue waters? I had to get some close-ups of them because they are just so beautiful.
I have just a few more red, white and blue photos and as there is no rhyme or reason to them other than their lovely display of patriotic color, I will just line them up like little virtual parade below.
I hope you enjoyed my little pictoral parade.
Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
Have fun! Stay Safe! designate a driver!