Dear readers, I don't know how many of you know this, but Mr. MacGyver makes video games. He is a technical director, which means he marries the art to the techy stuff (I am sure he would find my description of his job excessively accurate and aptly technological). This basically makes him one of the most popular dads among Punch and Judy's friends, kids and adults alike.
Ever since Christmas Mr. MacGyver has been working very long hours finishing up a game...7 days a week. Very long hours indeed and we miss him terribly. Sometimes we even forget what he looks like...
...okay, not really.
One day last week he came home from work and gave us all the shock of our lives...okay, I might be stretching the truth a bit here for dramatic effect, I was actually there when he did the deed and so he did not surprise me by coming home freshly shaven...but really, I think a little drama is required because after FIFTEEN (or more) years he decided to shave off his beard.
The kids have never even SEEN him without facial hair; it was odd to say the least. I think I would be putting it mildly to say that they were a bit taken aback (Punch screeched). I don't think we were sure he still had a chin under all that hair, but look, there it is!
Secretly I must confess I don't take to this kind of change very easily.
I remember when we were first married, I woke up one night and looked at him in the middle of the night and he had buzzed his hair really, really short after having let it grow pretty long (in our younger days he went through phases of having very long hair indeed). Anyway, I screamed in fright and woke him up (probably by slapping him), so convinced was I that a stranger was sleeping next to me.
So you can see how I could be quite attached to his facial hair after 15 years. I must admit, I was a bit surprised that he looked older underneath all of that hair. I don't know what I thought his face would look like after 15 years, goodness knows I don't look the same as I did 15 years ago; I guess I thought I would see his 25 year old face emerge. I am so silly.
While I miss the soft fuzziness of the beard, not too fond of the prickly you know, I find that I think he looks quite handsome.